CRC Concrete Raising Corporation uses a calibrated cementitious grout (or slurry) to raise slabs and fill the voids beneath them. This process of raising concrete with concrete results in a repair that is impervious to water, and therefore a more permanent fix than other common methods. So permanent, that warranties for work done via the calibrated CRC method often exceed warranties provided for new concrete by two-to-four (2-4) times.

The cementitious grout is pumped under pressure via small holes (generally less than two-inches in diameter) drilled through the concrete slabs. The grout displaces air pockets, water, and water-saturated materials, effectively stabilizing the sub-base or subgrade to provide uniform support. The CRC method raises the slab, filling the voids beneath the slab, and providing for a firm, more-permanent subgrade.
What Can Be Raised By Concrete Raising?
CRC Concrete Raising Corporation can raise, level, and stabilize: sidewalks, driveways, garage floors, patios, pool decks, steps, stoops, curb and gutter, concrete pavement (streets, highways, interstates), bridge approaches, industrial floors, parking lots, airport runways, and building foundations.
In essence, virtually any slab-on-grade concrete within a residential, commercial, industrial, or municipal/State DOT setting, can be raised back to its original grade.
Why Consider Concrete Raising?
There are many advantages of Raising Concrete versus replacement:
- Cost savings are often 1/3 to 1/2 the cost of replacement (varies by location & job type)
- Immediate Access To The Area
- Minimal curing time: walk on raised concrete immediately, drive within hours
- Environmentally friendly process. Consult the “Green Aspects” page
- Shorter job completion time
- No concrete to remove and haul away
- No grading, base preparation, or forms to build and or remove
- Less mess. No re-landscaping needed.
- No costly replacement of grass, flowers, shrubs, or trees.