Corp Headquarters | 2855 South 166th Street | New Berlin, WI 53151
(262) 827-5000

Author: Patty Adams

Raise or Replace

Raise or Replace

Ways to Raise Concrete

Ways to Raise Concrete

CRC Process

Concrete Raising

CRC in brief

Golden Gate Bridge

Fun Fact: The Golden Gate Bridge was built 1933-1937, it has 390,000 cubic yards of concrete used in piers, fenders, anchorages, pylons, cable housing, approaches and paving.

Concrete Park

Fun Fact: The Wisconsin Concrete Park is an outdoor museum with 237 embellished concrete and mixed media sculptures. Built between 1948 & 1964 by Fred Smith, a retired lumberjack, self-taught artist & musician. Installed throughout Smith’s north woods property in Phillips, WI. The site is a historical panorama of life-size & larger sculptures depicting people,…
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